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Source code for panthera.vibrations

from __future__ import print_function, division

import numpy as np
from ase import units
from .thermochemistry import constraints2mask

[docs]def get_levicivita(): "Get the Levi_civita symemtric tensor" eijk = np.zeros((3, 3, 3)) eijk[0, 1, 2] = eijk[1, 2, 0] = eijk[2, 0, 1] = 1 eijk[0, 2, 1] = eijk[2, 1, 0] = eijk[1, 0, 2] = -1 return eijk
[docs]def project_massweighted(args, atoms, ndof, hessian, verbose=False): """ Project translational and or rotatioanl dgrees of freedom from mass weighted hessian """ Dmat = np.zeros((ndof, 6), dtype=float) # part of the translation projection, see equation 4.10b in Miller, W. # H., Handy, N. C., & Adams, J. E. (1980). Reaction path Hamiltonian # for polyatomic molecules. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 72(1), 99. # doi:10.1063/1.438959 DTmat[np.arange(ndof), np.tile(np.arange(3), ndof // 3)] = np.sqrt( masses / np.sum(atoms.get_masses()) ) # part of the rotation projection, see equation 4.10a in Miller, W. # H., Handy, N. C., & Adams, J. E. (1980). Reaction path Hamiltonian # for polyatomic molecules. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 72(1), 99. # doi:10.1063/1.438959 # calculate the inverse square root of the inertia tensor Ival, Ivec = atoms.get_moments_of_inertia(vectors=True) Imhalf =, / np.sqrt(Ival)), Ivec.T))
# print(Imhalf) # DRmat = np.zeros((ndof, 3), dtype=float) # from Gaussian # Pmat =, Ivec.T) # Dmat[ ::3, 3] = Pmat[:, 1]*Ivec[0, 2] - Pmat[:, 2]*Ivec[0, 1]/masses[::3] # Dmat[1::3, 3] = Pmat[:, 1]*Ivec[1, 2] - Pmat[:, 2]*Ivec[1, 1]/masses[1::3] # Dmat[2::3, 3] = Pmat[:, 1]*Ivec[2, 2] - Pmat[:, 2]*Ivec[2, 1]/masses[2::3] # Dmat[ ::3, 4] = Pmat[:, 2]*Ivec[0, 0] - Pmat[:, 0]*Ivec[0, 2]/masses[::3] # Dmat[1::3, 4] = Pmat[:, 2]*Ivec[1, 0] - Pmat[:, 0]*Ivec[1, 2]/masses[1::3] # Dmat[2::3, 4] = Pmat[:, 2]*Ivec[2, 0] - Pmat[:, 0]*Ivec[2, 2]/masses[2::3] # Dmat[ ::3, 5] = Pmat[:, 0]*Ivec[0, 1] - Pmat[:, 1]*Ivec[0, 0]/masses[::3] # Dmat[1::3, 5] = Pmat[:, 0]*Ivec[1, 1] - Pmat[:, 1]*Ivec[1, 0]/masses[1::3] # Dmat[2::3, 5] = Pmat[:, 0]*Ivec[2, 1] - Pmat[:, 1]*Ivec[2, 0]/masses[2::3] # compose the projection matrix P = D * D.T # Pmat =, Dmat.T) # print('INFO: Orthogonalizing Pmat: ', Dmat.shape) # U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(Pmat) # Pmat =, V) # project the mass weighted hessian (MWH) using (1 - P) * MWH * (1 - P) # eye = np.eye(Pmat.shape[0]) # proj_hessian = - Pmat,, eye - Pmat)) # U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(Dmat) # Dmat =, V) # print('Final Dmat: \n', Dmat) # proj_hessian =,, Dmat))
[docs]def project( atoms, hessian, ndof, proj_translations=True, proj_rotations=False, verbose=False ): """ Project out the translational and/or rotational degrees of freedom from the hessian. Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms Atoms object ndof : int Number of degrees of freedom hessian : array_like Hessian/force constant matrix proj_translations : bool If ``True`` translational degrees of freedom will be projected from the hessian proj_rotations : bool If ``True`` rotational degrees of freedom will be projected from the hessian Returns ------- proj_hessian : array_like Hessian matrix with translational and/or rotational degrees of freedom projected out """ if verbose: print("INFO: CARTESIAN coordinates") for row in atoms.get_positions(): print("".join("{0:15.8f}".format(x) for x in row)) uatoms = atoms.copy() uatoms.set_masses(np.ones(len(atoms), dtype=float)) # calculate the center of mass in cartesian coordinates com = uatoms.get_center_of_mass() xyzcom = uatoms.get_positions() - com if verbose: print("INFO: center of mass coordinates") for row in xyzcom: print("".join(["{0:15.8f}".format(x) for x in row])) Dmat = np.zeros((ndof, 6), dtype=float) umasses = np.ones(ndof, dtype=float) Dmat[np.arange(ndof), np.tile(np.arange(3), ndof // 3)] = np.sqrt(umasses) if proj_translations: Dmat[np.arange(ndof), np.tile(np.arange(3), ndof // 3)] = np.sqrt(umasses) if verbose: print("INFO: Projecting out translations") for row in Dmat: print("".join("{0:15.8f}".format(x) for x in row)) if proj_rotations: Dmat[::3, 3] = 0.0 Dmat[1::3, 3] = -xyzcom[:, 2] Dmat[2::3, 3] = xyzcom[:, 1] Dmat[::3, 4] = xyzcom[:, 2] Dmat[1::3, 4] = 0.0 Dmat[2::3, 4] = -xyzcom[:, 0] Dmat[::3, 5] = -xyzcom[:, 1] Dmat[1::3, 5] = xyzcom[:, 0] Dmat[2::3, 5] = 0.0 if verbose: print("INFO: Projecting out rotations") for row in Dmat: print("".join(["{0:15.8f}".format(x) for x in row])) # orthogonalize if proj_translations and proj_rotations: q, _ = np.linalg.qr(Dmat) elif proj_translations: q, _ = np.linalg.qr(Dmat[:, :3]) q = np.hstack((q, Dmat[:, 3:])) elif proj_rotations: q, _ = np.linalg.qr(Dmat[:, 3:]) q = np.hstack((Dmat[:, :3], q)) if verbose: print("INFO: ORTHOGONALIZED Dmat") for row in q: print("".join("{0:15.8f}".format(x) for x in row)) I = np.eye(q.shape[0]) qqp =, q.T) # project the force constant matrix (1 - P)*H*(1 - P) return - qqp,, I - qqp))
[docs]def harmonic_vibrational_analysis( hessian, atoms, proj_translations=True, proj_rotations=False, ascomplex=True, massau=True, ): """ Given a force constant matrix (hessian) perform the harmonic vibrational analysis, by calculating the eigevalues and eigenvectors of the mass weighted hessian. Additionally projection of the translational and rotational degrees of freedom can be performed by specifying ``proj_translations`` and ``proj_rotations`` argsuments. Parameters ---------- hessian : array_like Force constant (Hessian) matrix in atomic units, should be square and symmetric atoms : Atoms ASE atoms object proj_translations : bool If ``True`` translational degrees of freedom will be projected from the hessian proj_rotations : bool If ``True`` rotational degrees of freedom will be projected from the hessian massau : bool If ``True`` atomic units of mass will be used ascomplex : bool If there are complex eigenvalues return the array as complex type otherwise make the complex values negative and return array of reals Returns ------- out : (w, v) Tuple of numpy arrays with hessian square roots of the eigevalues (frequencies) and eiegenvectors in atomic units, both sorted in descending order of eigenvalues """ # threshold for keeping the small eigenvalues of the hamiltonian THRESH = 1.0e-10 ndof = hessian.shape[0] if proj_translations | proj_rotations: hessian = project( atoms, hessian, ndof, proj_translations=proj_translations, proj_rotations=proj_rotations, verbose=False, ) # create the mass vector, with the masses for each atom repeated 3 times # and convert to atomic units masses = np.repeat(atoms.get_masses(), 3) if massau: masses *= units._amu / units._me massvec = 1.0 / np.sqrt(masses) mwhessian = np.multiply(hessian, np.outer(massvec, massvec)) # diagonalize the projected hessian to get the squared frequencies and # normal modes wals, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(mwhessian) wals[wals < THRESH] = 0.0 wals = wals[::-1] vecs = vecs[:, ::-1] wals = wals.astype(complex) ** 0.5 if ascomplex: return wals, vecs mask = np.iscomplex(wals) wreal = np.zeros_like(wals, dtype=float) wreal[~mask] = wals[~mask].real wreal[mask] = -1.0 * np.abs(wals[mask].imag) return wreal, vecs