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Source code for panthera.thermochemistry

"Methods for calculating thermochemistry"

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from builtins import bytes, str, open, super, range, zip, round, input, int, pow, object

import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import value, pi, Avogadro, Planck, hbar, Boltzmann, gas_constant

from .io import get_symmetry_number

def constraints2mask(atoms):
    Convert constraints from default ase objects to VASP compatible numpy array
    of boolean triples describing whether atomic degress of freedom are fixed
    in x, y, z dimensions

    atoms : ase.Atoms
        ASE atoms object

    slfags : numpy.array
        Boolean array with the size `N` x 3 where `N` is the number of atoms

    from ase.constraints import FixAtoms, FixScaled, FixedPlane, FixedLine

    if atoms.constraints:
        sflags = np.zeros((len(atoms), 3), dtype=bool)
        for constr in atoms.constraints:
            if isinstance(constr, FixScaled):
                sflags[constr.a] = constr.mask
            elif isinstance(constr, FixAtoms):
                sflags[constr.index] = [True, True, True]
            elif isinstance(constr, FixedPlane):
                mask = np.all(np.abs(np.cross(constr.dir, atoms.cell)) < 1e-5, axis=1)
                if sum(mask) != 1:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "VASP requires that the direction of FixedPlane "
                        "constraints is parallel with one of the cell axis"
                sflags[constr.a] = mask
            elif isinstance(constr, FixedLine):
                mask = np.all(np.abs(np.cross(constr.dir, atoms.cell)) < 1e-5, axis=1)
                if sum(mask) != 1:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "VASP requires that the direction of FixedLine "
                        "constraints is parallel with one of the cell axis"
                sflags[constr.a] = ~mask
        sflags = np.ones((len(atoms), 3), dtype=bool)
    return sflags

def get_total_mass(atoms):
    Calculate the total mass of unconstrained atoms in kg.

    The masses are assumed to be in the ``masses`` (np.array) attribute and
    the flags for coordinates are in ``free`` attribute

    atoms : ase.Atoms
        ASE Atoms object

    mass : float
        Mass of the unconstrained atoms in kg

    atmass = value("atomic mass unit-kilogram relationship")
    if len(atoms.constraints) == 0:
        return np.sum(atoms.get_masses()) * atmass
    mask = constraints2mask(atoms)
    return np.sum(atoms.get_masses()[np.any(mask, axis=1)]) * atmass

class BaseThermochemistry(object):

    Thermochemistry the results will be in kJ/mol by default standard
    conditions for temperature and pressure T=273.15 K, p=0.1 MPa

    atoms : ase.Atoms
        Atoms obect
    phase : str
    pointgroup : str
    symmetrynumber : int

    def __init__(self, atoms, phase, pointgroup, symmetrynumber=None):

        self.atoms = atoms
        self.phase = phase
        self.pointgroup = pointgroup
        self.symmetrynumber = symmetrynumber

    def symmetrynumber(self):
        return self._symmetrynumber

    def symmetrynumber(self, value):
        if value is None:
            self._symmetrynumber = get_symmetry_number(self.pointgroup)
            self._symmetrynumber = value

    def get_qrotational(self, T=273.15):
        Calculate the rotational partition function in a rigid rotor

        T : float
            Temperature in `K`


        .. math::

           q_{rot}(T) = \\frac{\sqrt{\pi I_{A}I_{B}I_{C}} }{\sigma}
                        \left( \\frac{ 2 k_{B} T }{\hbar^{2}} \\right)^{3/2}


        if self.phase != "gas":
            return 0.0

        # calculate the moments of ineria and convert them to [kg*m^2]
        atmass = value("atomic mass unit-kilogram relationship")
        I = (
            * atmass
            * np.power(10.0, -20)

        sigma = self.symmetrynumber
        if self.pointgroup in ["Coov", "Dooh"]:
            return 2.0 * np.max(I) * Boltzmann * T / (sigma * hbar ** 2)
            return (
                    pi * np.product(I) * np.power(2.0 * Boltzmann * T / hbar ** 2, 3)
                / sigma

    def get_qtranslational(self, T=273.15, p=0.1):
        Calculate the translational partition function for a mole of ideal gas
        at temperature `T`

        atoms : ase.Atoms
        T : float
            Temperature in K
        p : float
            Pressure in MPa


        .. math::

           q_{vib}(V, T) = \left( \\frac{ 2\pi M k_{B} T }{h^{2}} \\right)^{3/2} V


        if self.phase == "gas":

            vol = gas_constant * T / (p * 1.0e6)
            totmass = get_total_mass(self.atoms)

            return (
                * np.power(2.0 * pi * totmass * Boltzmann * T / Planck ** 2, 1.5)
                / Avogadro
            return 0.0

    def get_translational_energy(self, T=273.15):
        Calculate the translational energy

        T : float
            Temperature in `K`

        if self.phase == "gas":
            return 1.5 * gas_constant * T * 1.0e-3
            return 0.0

    def get_translational_entropy(self, T=273.15):
        Calculate the translational entropy

        T : float
            Temperature in `K`

        if self.phase == "gas":
            qtrans = self.get_qtranslational(T)
            return gas_constant * (np.log(qtrans) + 2.5) * 1.0e-3
            return 0.0

    def get_rotational_energy(self, T=273.15):
        Calculate the rotational energy

        T : float
            Temperature in `K`

        if self.phase == "gas":
            if self.pointgroup in ["Coov", "Dooh"]:
                energy_rot = gas_constant * T * 1.0e-3
                energy_rot = 1.5 * gas_constant * T * 1.0e-3
            energy_rot = 0.0

        return energy_rot

    def get_rotational_entropy(self, T=273.15):
        Calculate the rotational entropy

        T : float
            Temperature in `K`

        if self.phase == "gas":
            qrot = self.get_qrotational(T)
            if self.pointgroup in ["Coov", "Dooh"]:
                entropy_rot = gas_constant * (np.log(qrot) + 1) * 1.0e-3
                entropy_rot = gas_constant * (np.log(qrot) + 1.5) * 1.0e-3
            entropy_rot = 0.0

        return entropy_rot

    def get_pv(self, T=273.15):
        Return the pV component of the enthalpy

        T : float
            Temperature in `K`

        return Boltzmann * T * Avogadro * 1.0e-3

    def get_translational_heat_capacity(self):
        Translational heat capacity

        return 2.5 * gas_constant * 1.0e-3

    def get_rotational_heat_capacity(self):
        Rotational heat capacity

        if self.phase != "gas":
            return 0.0

        if self.pointgroup in ["Coov", "Dooh"]:
            return gas_constant * 1.0e-3
            return 1.5 * gas_constant * 1.0e-3

    def summary(self, T=273.15, p=0.1):
        Print summary with the thermochemical data at temperature `T` in kJ/mol

        T : float
            Temperature in `K`
        p : float
            Pressure in MPa

        print("\n" + "THERMOCHEMISTRY".center(50, "="))
        print("\n\t @ T = {0:6.2f} K\t p = {1:6.2f} MPa\n".format(T, p))
        print("-" * 50)

            "{0:<25s} : {1:15.3f}".format(
                "ln qtranslational", np.log(self.get_qtranslational(T, p))
            "{0:<25s} : {1:15.3f}".format(
                "ln qrotational", np.log(self.get_qrotational(T))

            "{0:<25s} : {1:15.3f}  kJ/mol".format(
                "U translational", self.get_translational_energy(T)
            "{0:<25s} : {1:15.3f}  kJ/mol".format(
                "U rotational", self.get_rotational_energy(T)

            "{0:<25s} : {1:11.4f} kJ/mol".format(
                "S translational", self.get_translational_entropy(T)
            "{0:<25s} : {1:11.4f} kJ/mol".format(
                "S rotational", self.get_rotational_entropy(T)

[docs]class Thermochemistry(BaseThermochemistry): """ Calculate thermochemistry in harmonic approximation Parameters ---------- vibenergies : numpy.array Vibrational energies in Joules atoms : ase.Atoms Atoms obect phase : str Phase, should be either `gas` or `solid` pointgroup : str symmetrynumber : str If `pointgroup` is specified `symmetrynumber` is obsolete, since it will be inferred from the `pointgroup` """ def __init__(self, vibenergies, atoms, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(atoms, *args, **kwargs) self.vibenergies = vibenergies
[docs] def get_zpve(self): """ Calculate the Zero Point Vibrational Energy (ZPVE) in kJ/mol Notes ----- .. math:: E_{\\text{ZPV}} = \\frac{1}{2}\sum^{3N-6}_{i=1} h\omega_{i} """ return 0.5 * np.sum(self.vibenergies) * Avogadro * 1.0e-3
[docs] def get_qvibrational(self, T=273.15, uselog=True): """ Calculate the vibrational partition function at temperature `T` in kJ/mol Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature in `K` uselog : bool When `True` return the natural logarithm of the partition function Notes ----- .. math:: q_{vib}(T) = \prod^{3N-6}_{i=1}\\frac{1}{1 - \exp(-h\omega_{i}/k_{B}T)} """ kT = Boltzmann * T if uselog: return np.sum(-np.log(1.0 - np.exp(-self.vibenergies / kT))) else: return / (1.0 - np.exp(-self.vibenergies / kT)))
[docs] def get_vibrational_energy(self, T=273.15): """ Calculate the vibational energy correction at temperature `T` in kJ/mol Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature in `K` Notes ----- .. math:: U_{vib}(T) = \\frac{R}{k_{B}}\sum^{3N-6}_{i=1} \\frac{h\omega_{i}}{\exp(h\omega_{i}/k_{B}T) - 1} """ kT = Boltzmann * T frac = np.sum(self.vibenergies / (np.exp(self.vibenergies / kT) - 1.0)) return 1.0e-3 * gas_constant * frac / Boltzmann
[docs] def get_vibrational_entropy(self, T=273.15): """ Calculate the vibrational entropy at temperature `T` in kJ/mol Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature in `K` Notes ----- .. math:: S_{vib}(T) = R\sum^{3N-6}_{i=1}\left[ \\frac{h\omega_{i}}{k_{B}T(\exp(h\omega_{i}/k_{B}T) - 1)} - \ln(1 - \exp(-h\omega_{i}/k_{B}T)) \\right] """ kT = Boltzmann * T frac = np.sum(self.vibenergies / (np.exp(self.vibenergies / kT) - 1.0)) / kT nlog = np.sum(np.log(1.0 - np.exp(-self.vibenergies / kT))) return 1.0e-3 * gas_constant * (frac - nlog)
[docs] def get_internal_energy(self, T=273.15): """ Return the internal energy U Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature in `K` """ return ( self.get_translational_energy(T) + self.get_rotational_energy(T) + self.get_zpve() + self.get_vibrational_energy(T) )
[docs] def get_enthalpy(self, T=273.15): """ Return the enthalpy H Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature in `K` """ return self.get_internal_energy(T) + self.get_pv(T)
[docs] def get_entropy(self, T=273.15): """ Return the entropy S Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature in `K` """ return ( self.get_translational_entropy(T) + self.get_rotational_entropy(T) + self.get_vibrational_entropy(T) )
[docs] def get_vibrational_heat_capacity(self, T=273.15): """ Return the heat capacity Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature in `K` Notes ----- .. math:: C_{p,vib}(T) = R\sum^{3N-6}_{i=1} \left(\\frac{h\omega_{i}}{k_{B}T}\\right)^{2} \\frac{\exp(-h\omega_{i}/k_{B}T)}{\left[1 - \exp(-h\omega_{i}/k_{B}T)\\right]^{2}} """ kT = Boltzmann * T frac = np.sum( np.power(self.vibenergies / kT, 2) * ( np.exp(-self.vibenergies / kT) / np.power(1.0 - np.exp(-self.vibenergies / kT), 2) ) ) return 1.0e-3 * gas_constant * frac
[docs] def get_heat_capacity(self, T=273.15): """ Heat capacity at constant pressure """ return ( self.get_translational_heat_capacity() + self.get_rotational_heat_capacity() + self.get_vibrational_heat_capacity(T) )
[docs] def summary(self, T=273.15, p=0.1): """ Print summary with the thermochemical data at temperature `T` in kJ/mol Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature in `K` p : float Pressure in MPa """ if self.phase == "solid": lnqtrans = lnqrot = 0.0 else: lnqtrans = np.log(self.get_qtranslational(T, p)) lnqrot = np.log(self.get_qrotational(T)) print("\n" + " THERMOCHEMISTRY ".center(52, "="), end="\n\n") print("\t @ T = {0:6.2f} K\t p = {1:6.2f} MPa".format(T, p), end="\n\n") print("-" * 52) print( "{0:<25s} : {1:14.3f}".format( "Partition function (ln q)", lnqtrans + lnqrot + self.get_qvibrational(T, uselog=True), ) ) print(" {0:<21s} : {1:14.3f}".format("ln q_translational", lnqtrans)) print(" {0:<21s} : {1:14.3f}".format("ln q_rotational", lnqrot)) print( " {0:<21s} : {1:14.3f}".format( "ln q_vibrational", self.get_qvibrational(T, uselog=True) ) ) print("-" * 52) print( "{0:<25s} : {1:14.3f} kJ/mol*K".format( "Heat capacity (C_p)", self.get_heat_capacity(T) ) ) print( " {0:<21s} : {1:14.3f} kJ/mol*K".format( "C_p translational", self.get_translational_heat_capacity() ) ) print( " {0:<21s} : {1:14.3f} kJ/mol*K".format( "C_p rotational", self.get_rotational_heat_capacity() ) ) print( " {0:<21s} : {1:14.3f} kJ/mol*K".format( "C_p vibrational", self.get_vibrational_heat_capacity(T) ) ) print("-" * 52) if self.phase == "gas": tfname = "Enthalpy (H)" tfunc = "H" tfvalue = self.get_enthalpy(T) else: tfname = "Internal energy (U)" tfunc = "U" tfvalue = self.get_internal_energy(T) print("{0:<25s} : {1:14.3f} kJ/mol".format(tfname, tfvalue)) print( " {0:<21s} : {1:14.3f} kJ/mol".format( tfunc + " translational", self.get_translational_energy(T) ) ) print( " {0:<21s} : {1:14.3f} kJ/mol".format( tfunc + " rotational", self.get_rotational_energy(T) ) ) print( " {0:<21s} : {1:14.3f} kJ/mol".format( tfunc + " vibrational", self.get_zpve() + self.get_vibrational_energy(T) ) ) print( " {0:<17s} : {1:14.3f} kJ/mol".format( "@ 0 K (ZPVE)", self.get_zpve() ) ) print( " {0:<17s} : {1:14.3f} kJ/mol".format( "@ {0:6.2f} K".format(T), self.get_vibrational_energy(T) ) ) if self.phase == "gas": print(" {0:<17s} : {1:14.3f} kJ/mol".format("pV", self.get_pv(T))) print("-" * 74) St = self.get_translational_entropy(T) Sr = self.get_rotational_entropy(T) Sv = self.get_vibrational_entropy(T) print("*T".rjust(65)) print( "{0:<25s} : {1:15.4f} kJ/mol*K {2:11.4f} kJ/mol".format( "Entropy (S)", self.get_entropy(T), T * self.get_entropy(T) ) ) print( " {0:<21s} : {1:15.4f} kJ/mol*K {2:11.4f} kJ/mol".format( "S translational", St, T * St ) ) print( " {0:<21s} : {1:15.4f} kJ/mol*K {2:11.4f} kJ/mol".format( "S rotational", Sr, T * Sr ) ) print( " {0:<21s} : {1:15.4f} kJ/mol*K {2:11.4f} kJ/mol".format( "S vibrational", Sv, T * Sv ) ) print("-" * 74) print( "{0:<25s} : {1:15.4f} kJ/mol".format( tfunc + " - T*S", tfvalue - T * self.get_entropy(T) ) ) print("-" * 52) try: elenergy = ( self.atoms.get_potential_energy() * value("electron volt") * 1.0e-3 * Avogadro ) print("{0:<25s} : {1:15.4f} kJ/mol".format("Electronic energy", elenergy)) except: pass
class AnharmonicThermo(BaseThermochemistry): """ Calculate thermochemistry in harmonic approximation Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with the anharmonic data at a given temperature, must have the following columns: - ``freq`` frequency of a given mode in cm^-1 - ``zpve`` zero point vibrational energy contribution from a given mode in kJ/mol - ``qvib`` vibrational partition function contribution from a given mode - ``U`` internal energy contribution from a given mode - ``S`` entropy contribution from a given mode atoms : ase.Atoms Atoms obect system : dict Dicitonary with the system specification """ def __init__(self, df, atoms, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(atoms, *args, **kwargs) self.df = df def get_zpve(self): """ Calculate the Zero Point Vibrational Energy (ZPVE) in kJ/mol """ return self.df.zpve.sum() def get_qvibrational(self, uselog=True): """ Calculate the vibrational partition function in kJ/mol Parameters ---------- uselog : bool When `True` return the natural logarithm of the partition function """ if uselog: return np.log(self.df.qvib.astype("float64").sum()) else: return self.df.qvib.sum() def get_vibrational_energy(self): """ Calculate the vibational energy correction in kJ/mol """ return self.df.U.sum() * 1.0e-3 def get_vibrational_entropy(self): """ Calculate the vibrational entropy in kJ/mol """ return self.df.S.sum() def get_internal_energy(self, T=273.15): """ Return the internal energy U Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature in `K` """ return ( self.get_translational_energy(T) + self.get_rotational_energy(T) + self.get_zpve() + self.get_vibrational_energy() ) def get_enthalpy(self, T=273.15): """ Return the enthalpy H Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature in `K` """ return self.get_internal_energy(T) + self.get_pv(T) def get_entropy(self, T=273.15): """ Return the entropy S Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature in `K` """ return ( self.get_translational_entropy(T) + self.get_rotational_entropy(T) + self.get_vibrational_entropy() ) def summary(self, T=273.15, p=0.1): """ Print summary with the thermochemical data at temperature `T` in kJ/mol Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature in `K` """ if self.phase == "solid": lnqtrans = lnqrot = 0.0 else: lnqtrans = np.log(self.get_qtranslational(T, p)) lnqrot = np.log(self.get_qrotational(T)) print("\n" + " THERMOCHEMISTRY ".center(50, "="), end="\n\n") print("\t @ T = {0:6.2f} K\t p = {1:6.2f} MPa".format(T, p), end="\n\n") print("-" * 50) print("Partition functions:") print( "{0:<24s} : {1:15.3f}".format( "ln q", lnqtrans + lnqrot + self.get_qvibrational(uselog=True) ) ) print(" {0:<20s} : {1:15.3f}".format("ln qtranslational", lnqtrans)) print(" {0:<20s} : {1:15.3f}".format("ln qrotational", lnqrot)) print( " {0:<20s} : {1:15.3f}".format( "ln qvibrational", self.get_qvibrational(uselog=True) ) ) print("-" * 50) if self.phase == "gas": tfname = "Enthalpy (H)" tfunc = "H" tfvalue = self.get_enthalpy(T) else: tfname = "Internal energy (U)" tfunc = "U" tfvalue = self.get_internal_energy(T) print("{0:<24s} : {1:15.3f} kJ/mol".format(tfname, tfvalue)) print( " {0:<20s} : {1:15.3f} kJ/mol".format( tfunc + " translational", self.get_translational_energy(T) ) ) print( " {0:<20s} : {1:15.3f} kJ/mol".format( tfunc + " rotational", self.get_rotational_energy(T) ) ) print( " {0:<20s} : {1:15.3f} kJ/mol".format( tfunc + " vibrational", self.get_zpve() + self.get_vibrational_energy() ) ) print( " {0:<16s} : {1:15.3f} kJ/mol".format( "@ 0 K (ZPVE)", self.get_zpve() ) ) print( " {0:<16s} : {1:15.3f} kJ/mol".format( "@ {0:6.2f} K".format(T), self.get_vibrational_energy() ) ) if self.phase == "gas": print(" {0:<16s} : {1:15.3f} kJ/mol".format("pV", self.get_pv(T))) print("-" * 74) entropy = self.get_entropy(T) St = self.get_translational_entropy(T) Sr = self.get_rotational_entropy(T) Sv = self.get_vibrational_entropy() print("*T".rjust(65)) print( "{0:<24s} : {1:16.4f} kJ/mol*K {2:11.4f} kJ/mol".format( "Entropy (S)", entropy, T * entropy ) ) print( " {0:<20s} : {1:16.4f} kJ/mol*K {2:11.4f} kJ/mol".format( "S translational", St, T * St ) ) print( " {0:<20s} : {1:16.4f} kJ/mol*K {2:11.4f} kJ/mol".format( "S rotational", Sr, T * Sr ) ) print( " {0:<20s} : {1:16.4f} kJ/mol*K {2:11.4f} kJ/mol".format( "S vibrational", Sv, T * Sv ) ) print("-" * 74) print( "{0:<24s} : {1:16.4f} kJ/mol".format( tfunc + " - T*S", tfvalue - T * entropy ) ) print("-" * 50) elenergy = ( self.atoms.get_potential_energy() * value("electron volt") * 1.0e-3 * Avogadro ) print("{0:<24s} : {1:16.4f} kJ/mol".format("Electronic energy", elenergy))