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Source code for panthera.plotting

"Functions for plotting the each mode and PES fits"

from __future__ import print_function, division

from functools import partial

import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import value

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from .pes import harmonic_potential

[docs]def plotmode_legacy(mode, pes, coeff6, coeff4, output=None): """ Plot a given mode using legacy files """ cp = sns.color_palette("muted") sns.set(font_scale=1.5, style="white") plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10)) poly6 = np.poly1d(coeff6.loc[mode, "a0":"a6"].values[::-1]) poly4 = np.poly1d(coeff4.loc[mode, "a0":"a4"].values[::-1]) harm = partial( harmonic_potential, freq=coeff6.loc[mode, "freq"], mu=coeff6.loc[mode, "mass"] ) xvals = pes[mode][:, 0] x = np.linspace(xvals.min(), xvals.max(), 100) lw = 3.0 # line width plt.plot( pes[mode][:, 0], pes[mode][:, 1], marker="o", color="k", linewidth=lw, markersize=13, markerfacecolor="none", markeredgecolor="k", markeredgewidth=2.0, label="PES", ) plt.plot(x, harm(x), color=cp[2], linewidth=lw, label="harmonic") plt.plot(x, poly6(x), "--", color=cp[0], linewidth=lw, label="6th order poly") plt.plot(x, poly4(x), "-.", color=cp[1], linewidth=lw, label="4th order poly") plt.title( r"Mode # {0:d}, $\nu$ = {1:6.2f} [cm$^{{-1}}$]".format( mode, coeff6.loc[mode, "freq"] ) ) plt.xlabel("$\Delta x$") plt.ylabel("$\Delta E$") plt.legend(loc="best", frameon=False) if output is not None: plt.savefig(output) else:
[docs]def plotmode(mode, energies, mi, c6o, c4o, output=None): """ Plot a given mode Parameters ---------- mode : int Mode number (indexed from 0) energies : pandas.DataFrame mi : pandas.DataFrame Modeinfo c6o : pandas.DataFrame c4o : pandas.DataFrame output : str name o file to store the plot """ cp = sns.color_palette("muted") sns.set(font_scale=1.5, style="white") plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10)) poly6 = np.poly1d(c6o.loc[mode].values) poly4 = np.poly1d(c4o.loc[mode].values) harm = partial( harmonic_potential, freq=mi.loc[mode, "frequency"], mu=mi.loc[mode, "effective_mass"], ) dx =[mode, "displacement"], np.arange(-4, 5)) dx = dx / np.sqrt(mi.loc[mode, "effective_mass"]) dx = dx.astype(float) x = np.linspace(dx.min(), dx.max(), 100) de = energies.loc[mode] - energies.loc[mode, "E_0"] de = de.values * value("electron volt-hartree relationship") lw = 3.0 # line width plt.plot( dx, de, marker="o", color="k", linewidth=lw, markersize=13, markerfacecolor="none", markeredgecolor="k", markeredgewidth=2.0, label="PES", ) plt.plot(x, harm(x), color=cp[2], linewidth=lw, label="harmonic") plt.plot(x, poly6(x), "--", color=cp[0], linewidth=lw, label="6th order poly") plt.plot(x, poly4(x), "-.", color=cp[1], linewidth=lw, label="4th order poly") plt.title( r"Mode # {0:d}, $\nu$ = {1:6.2f} [cm$^{{-1}}$]".format( mode, mi.loc[mode, "frequency"] ) ) plt.xlabel("$\Delta x$") plt.ylabel("$\Delta E$") plt.legend(loc="best", frameon=False) if output is not None: plt.savefig(output) else: