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Source code for panthera.nmrelaxation

from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import super

from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np

from ase.optimize.optimize import Optimizer

from .displacements import get_nvibdof
from .vibrations import harmonic_vibrational_analysis

[docs]class NormalModeBFGS(Optimizer, object): """ Normal mode optimizer with approximate hessian update Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms Atoms object with the structure to optimize phase : str Phase, should be either `gas` or `solid` hessian : array_like (N, N) Initial hessian matrix in eV/Angstrom^2 hessian_update : str Name of the approximate formula to udpate hessian, one of: `BFGS`, `SR1`, `DFP` proj_translations : bool If ``True`` translational degrees of freedom will be projected from the hessian proj_rotations : bool If ``True`` rotational degrees of freedom will be projected from the hessian logfile : str Name log the log file trajectory : str Name of the trajectory file """ def __init__( self, atoms, phase, hessian=None, hessian_update="BFGS", logfile="-", trajectory=None, restart=None, proj_translations=True, proj_rotations=True, master=None, verbose=False, ): super().__init__(atoms, restart, logfile, trajectory, master) self.trajectory = trajectory self.hessian = hessian self.phase = phase self.hessian_update = hessian_update self.verbose = verbose self.restart = restart self.nsteps = 0 self.proj_translations = proj_translations self.proj_rotations = proj_rotations # initialize other necessary variables self.coords_0 = None self.grad_0 = None self.natoms = atoms.get_number_of_atoms() self.ndof = 3 * self.natoms self.nvibdof = get_nvibdof(atoms, proj_rotations, proj_translations, self.phase) # matrix with inverse square roots of masses on diagonal self.M_invsqrt = np.zeros((self.ndof, self.ndof), dtype=float) np.fill_diagonal( self.M_invsqrt, np.repeat(1.0 / np.sqrt(atoms.get_masses()), 3) ) # write the header to the logfile self.log_header() @property def hessian(self): return self._hessian @hessian.setter def hessian(self, value): "Initialize the hessian matrix" if hessian is None: self._hessian = np.eye(3 * len(self.atoms)) * 70.0
[docs] def log_header(self): "Header for the log with convergence information" print( "{0:<6s} {1:^15s} {2:^15s} {3:^15s} {4:^15s} {5:^15s} {6:^20s}".format( "iter", "G(C) max", "G(NM) max", "G(NM) norm", "NM step norm", "energy [eV]", "time", ), file=self.logfile, ) print("=" * 107, file=self.logfile) self.logfile.flush()
[docs] def log(self, grad, grad_nm, step_nm): "Print a line with convergence information" gmax = np.sqrt((grad.reshape(self.natoms, 3)) ** 2).sum(axis=1).max() gnnmorm = np.sqrt(, grad_nm)) print( "{0:>6d} {1:>15.8f} {2:>15.8f} {3:>15.8f} {4:>15.8f} {5:>15.8f} {6:>20s}".format( self.nsteps, gmax, np.max(np.abs(grad_nm)), gnnmorm, np.sqrt(, step_nm)), self.atoms.get_potential_energy(),"%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y"), ), file=self.logfile, ) self.logfile.flush()
[docs] def update_hessian(self, coords, grad): """ Perform hessian update Parameters ---------- coords : array_like (N,) Current coordinates as vector grad : array_like (N,) Current gradient """ # on first step there's no previous grad and coords so not updated is # performed if self.grad_0 is None: return macheps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps dx = coords - self.coords_0 dg = grad - self.grad_0 # same configuration again if np.abs(dx).max() < 1.0e-7: return if self.hessian_update == "BFGS": dxdg =, dg) hdx =, dx) b =, hdx) if np.abs(dxdg) > macheps and np.abs(b) > macheps: self.hessian += np.outer(dg, dg) / dxdg - np.outer(hdx, hdx) / b elif self.hessian_update == "DFP": dgdxT = np.outer(dg, dx) dgTdx =, dx) uleft = np.eye(self.hessian.shape[0]) - dgdxT / dgTdx uright = np.eye(self.hessian.shape[0]) - dgdxT.T / dgTdx bk =,, uright)) self.hessian = bk + np.outer(dg, dg) / dgTdx elif self.hessian_update.upper() == "SR1": hdx =, dx) dghdx = dg - hdx self.hessian += np.outer(dghdx, dghdx) /, dx) else: raise NotImplementedError( "update <{}> not available".format(self.hessian_update) )
[docs] def step(self, grad): """ Calculate the step in cartesian coordinates based on the step in normal modes in the rational function approximation (RFO) Args: grad : array_like (N,) Current gradient """ nv = self.nvibdof coords = self.atoms.get_positions().ravel() grad = -1.0 * self.atoms.get_forces().ravel() self.update_hessian(coords, grad) # calculate hessian eigenvalues and eigenvectors evals, evecs = harmonic_vibrational_analysis( self.hessian, self.atoms, proj_translations=self.proj_translations, proj_rotations=self.proj_rotations, ascomplex=False, massau=False, ) evals = np.power(evals, 2) mwevecs =, evecs) grad_nm =, grad) step_nm = np.zeros_like(grad_nm) step_nm[:nv] = ( -2.0 * grad_nm[:nv] / (evals[:nv] + np.sqrt(evals[:nv] ** 2 + 4.0 * grad_nm[:nv] ** 2)) ) step_cart =, step_nm) new_coords = coords + step_cart self.atoms.set_positions(new_coords.reshape(self.natoms, 3)) self.coords_0 = new_coords.copy() self.grad_0 = grad.copy() self.dump((self.hessian, self.coords_0, self.grad_0)) self.log(grad, grad_nm, step_nm)
[docs] def run(self, fmax=0.05, steps=100000000): """Run structure optimization algorithm. This method will return when the forces on all individual atoms are less than *fmax* or when the number of steps exceeds *steps*.""" self.fmax = fmax for _ in range(steps): f = self.atoms.get_forces() self.call_observers() if self.converged(f): return self.step(f) self.nsteps += 1
[docs] def read(self): self.hessian, self.coords_0, self.grad_0 = self.load()
[docs]def nmoptimize( atoms, hessian, calc, phase, proj_translations=True, proj_rotations=True, gtol=1.0e-5, verbose=False, hessian_update="BFGS", steps=100000, ): """ Relax the strcture using normal mode displacements Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms Atoms object with the structure to optimize hessian : array_like Hessian matrix in eV/Angstrom^2 calc : ase.Calculator ASE Calcualtor instance to be used to calculate forces phase : str Phase, 'solid' or 'gas' gtol : float, default=1.0e-5 Energy gradient threshold hessian_update : str Approximate formula to update hessian, possible values are 'BFGS', 'SR1' and 'DFP' steps : int Maximal number of iteration to be performed verbose : bool If ``True`` additional debug information will be printed Notes ----- Internally eV and Angstroms are used. .. seealso:: Bour, P., & Keiderling, T. A. (2002). Partial optimization of molecular geometry in normal coordinates and use as a tool for simulation of vibrational spectra. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 117(9), 4126. `doi:10.1063/1.1498468 <>`_ """ natoms = atoms.get_number_of_atoms() ndof = 3 * natoms masses = atoms.get_masses() coords = atoms.get_positions().ravel() nvibdof = get_nvibdof(atoms, proj_rotations, proj_translations, phase) # matrix with inverse square roots of masses on diagonal M_invsqrt = np.zeros((ndof, ndof), dtype=float) np.fill_diagonal(M_invsqrt, np.repeat(1.0 / np.sqrt(masses), 3)) # calculate hessian eigenvalues and eigenvectors evals, evecs = harmonic_vibrational_analysis( hessian, atoms, proj_translations=proj_translations, proj_rotations=proj_rotations, ascomplex=False, massau=False, ) evals = np.power(evals, 2) mwevecs =, evecs) coords_old = coords.copy() # run the job for the initial structure atoms.set_calculator(calc) # get forces after run grad = -1.0 * atoms.get_forces().ravel() grad_old = grad.copy() grad_nm =, grad) step_nm = np.zeros_like(grad_nm) step_nm[:nvibdof] = ( -2.0 * grad_nm[:nvibdof] / ( evals[:nvibdof] + np.sqrt(evals[:nvibdof] ** 2 + 4.0 * grad_nm[:nvibdof] ** 2) ) ) step_cart =, step_nm) coords = coords_old + step_cart if verbose: print(" eigenvalues ".center(50, "-")) print(evals) print(" cart gradient ".center(50, "-")) print(grad) print(" nm gradient ".center(50, "-")) print(grad_nm) print(" nm step ".center(50, "-")) print(step_nm) print(" cart step ".center(50, "-")) print(step_cart) print(" new coordinates ".center(50, "-")) print(coords) iteration = 0 # header for the convergence information print( "{0:<6s} {1:^15s} {2:^15s} {3:^15s} {4:^15s} {5:^20s}".format( "iter", "G(NM) max", "G(NM) norm", "NM step norm", "energy [eV]", "time" ) ) print("=" * 91) print( "{0:>6d} {1:>15.8f} {2:>15.8f} {3:>15.8f} {4:>15.8f} {5:>20s}".format( iteration, np.max(np.abs(grad_nm)), np.sqrt(, grad_nm)), np.sqrt(, step_nm)), atoms.get_potential_energy(),"%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y"), ) ) while iteration <= steps: iteration += 1 # delta_coord = coords - coords_old atoms.set_positions(coords.reshape(natoms, 3)) coords_old = coords.copy() grad = -1.0 * atoms.get_forces().ravel() # delta_grad = grad - grad_old hessian = update_hessian( grad, grad_old, step_cart, hessian, update=hessian_update ) grad_old = grad.copy() # calculate hessian eigenvalues and eigenvectors evals, evecs = harmonic_vibrational_analysis( hessian, atoms, proj_translations=proj_translations, proj_rotations=proj_rotations, ascomplex=False, massau=False, ) evals = np.power(evals, 2) mwevecs =, evecs) grad_nm =, grad) gmax = np.max(np.abs(grad_nm)) # print the convergence info print( "{0:>6d} {1:>15.8f} {2:>15.8f} {3:>15.8f} {4:>15.8f} {5:>20s}".format( iteration, gmax, np.sqrt(, grad_nm)), np.sqrt(, step_nm)), atoms.get_potential_energy(),"%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y"), ) ) if gmax < gtol: evals, evecs = harmonic_vibrational_analysis( hessian, atoms, proj_translations=proj_translations, proj_rotations=proj_rotations, ascomplex=False, massau=False, )"hessian_evalues", evals)"hessian_evectors", evecs) print("# convergence achieved after {} iterations".format(iteration)) break step_nm[:nvibdof] = ( -2.0 * grad_nm[:nvibdof] / ( evals[:nvibdof] + np.sqrt(evals[:nvibdof] ** 2 + 4.0 * grad_nm[:nvibdof] ** 2) ) ) step_cart =, step_nm) coords = coords_old + step_cart if verbose: print(" eigenvalues ".center(50, "-")) print(evals) print(" cart gradient ".center(50, "-")) print(grad) print(" nm gradient ".center(50, "-")) print(grad_nm) print(" nm step ".center(50, "-")) print(step_nm) print(" cart step ".center(50, "-")) print(step_cart) print(" new coordinates ".center(50, "-")) print(coords) else: print("### convergence NOT achieved after ", iteration, " iterations")
[docs]def update_hessian(grad, grad_old, dx, hessian, update="BFGS"): """ Perform hessian update Parameters ---------- grad : array_like (N,) Current gradient grad_old : array_like (N,) Previous gradient dx : array_like (N,) Step vector x_n - x_(n-1) hessian : array_like (N, N) Hessian matrix update : str Name of the hessian update to perform, possible values are 'BFGS', 'SR1' and 'DFP' Returns ------- hessian : array_like Update hessian matrix """ macheps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps dg = grad - grad_old if update == "BFGS": dxdg =, dg) hdx =, dx) b =, hdx) if np.abs(dxdg) < macheps or np.abs(b) < macheps: return hessian else: return hessian + np.outer(dg, dg) / dxdg - np.outer(hdx, hdx) / b elif update == "DFP": dgdxT = np.outer(dg, dx) dgTdx =, dx) uleft = np.eye(hessian.shape[0]) - dgdxT / dgTdx uright = np.eye(hessian.shape[0]) - dgdxT.T / dgTdx bk =,, uright)) return bk + np.outer(dg, dg) / dgTdx elif update.upper() == "SR1": hdx =, dx) dghdx = dg - hdx return hessian + np.outer(dghdx, dghdx) /, dx) else: raise NotImplementedError