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Source code for panthera.anharmonicity

"Methods for solving the one dimentional vibrational eigenproblem"

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from scipy.constants import value, Boltzmann, Avogadro, Planck, gas_constant

from .io import print_mode_thermo

[docs]def factsqrt(m, n): """ Return a factorial like constant Parameters ---------- m : int Argument of the series n : int Length of the series Notes ----- .. math:: f(m, n) = \prod^{n - 1}_{i = 0} \sqrt{m - i} """ return np.sqrt([m - i for i in range(n)]))
[docs]def get_hamiltonian(rank, freq, mass, coeffs): """ Compose the Hamiltonian matrix for the anharmonic oscillator with the potential described by the sixth order polynomial. Parameters ---------- rank : int Rank of the Hamiltonian matrix freq : float Fundamental frequency in hartrees mass : float Reduced mass of the mode coeffs : array A one dimensional array with polynomial coeffients Notes ----- .. math:: H_{ij} = \left\langle \Psi_{i} \left| \hat{H} \\right| \Psi_{j} \\right\\rangle where .. math:: \hat{H} = -\\frac{\hbar^2}{2}\\frac{\partial^2}{\partial \\boldsymbol{Q}^2} + \sum_{\mu=0}^{6}c_{\mu}\\boldsymbol{Q}^{\mu} and :math:`\Psi_{i}` are the standard harmonic oscillator functions. """ Hamil = np.zeros((rank, rank), dtype=float) # change this to proper value vk = np.sqrt(1.0 / (mass * freq)) uk = -0.5 * freq # main diagonal i == j idx = np.arange(rank) Hamil[idx, idx] = [ -0.5 * uk * (2 * i + 1.0) + coeffs[0] + 0.5 * coeffs[2] * vk ** 2 * (2 * i + 1.0) + 0.25 * coeffs[4] * vk ** 4 * (6.0 * i ** 2 + 6.0 * i + 3) + 0.125 * coeffs[6] * vk ** 6 * (20.0 * i ** 3 + 30.0 * i ** 2 + 40.0 * i + 15.0) for i in idx ] # diagonal wih offset 1, i == j + 1 k = rank - 1 idx = np.arange(k) Hamil[idx + 1, idx] = [ np.sqrt(2.0 * i) * ( 0.5 * coeffs[1] * vk + 0.75 * coeffs[3] * vk ** 3 * i + 0.125 * coeffs[5] * vk ** 5 * (10.0 * i ** 2 + 5.0) ) for i in idx + 1 ] # diagonal wih offset 2, i == j + 2 k = rank - 2 if k > 0: idx = np.arange(k) Hamil[idx + 2, idx] = [ factsqrt(i, 2) * ( 0.5 * (uk + coeffs[2] * vk ** 2) + 0.25 * coeffs[4] * vk ** 4 * (4.0 * i - 2.0) + 15.0 * coeffs[6] * vk ** 6 * (i ** 2 - i + 1.0) / 8.0 ) for i in idx + 2 ] # diagonal wih offset 3, i == j + 3 k = rank - 3 if k > 0: idx = np.arange(k) Hamil[idx + 3, idx] = [ factsqrt(i, 3) * ( coeffs[3] * vk ** 3 / np.sqrt(8.0) + np.sqrt(2.0) * coeffs[5] * vk ** 5 * (5.0 * i - 5) / 8.0 ) for i in idx + 3 ] # diagonal wih offset 4, i == j + 4 k = rank - 4 if k > 0: idx = np.arange(k) Hamil[idx + 4, idx] = [ factsqrt(i, 4) * ( 0.25e0 * coeffs[4] * vk ** 4 + 0.125e0 * coeffs[6] * vk ** 6 * (6.0 * i - 9) ) for i in idx + 4 ] # diagonal wih offset 5, i == j + 5 k = rank - 5 if k > 0: idx = np.arange(k) Hamil[idx + 5, idx] = [ np.sqrt(1.0 / 320) * factsqrt(i, 5) * coeffs[5] * vk ** 5 for i in idx + 5 ] # diagonal wih offset 6, i == j + 6 k = rank - 6 if k > 0: idx = np.arange(k) Hamil[idx + 6, idx] = [ 0.125e0 * factsqrt(i, 6) * coeffs[6] * vk ** 6 for i in idx + 6 ] # make the ful symmetrix matrix Hamil = Hamil + Hamil.T - np.diag(Hamil.diagonal()) return Hamil
[docs]def anharmonic_frequencies(atoms, T, coeffs, modeinfo): """ Calculate the anharmonic frequencies Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms Atoms object T : float Temperature in `K` coeffs : pandas.DataFrame modeinfo : pandas.DataFrame """ MAXITER = 100 QVIB_THRESH = 1.0e-8 FREQ_THRESH = 1.0e-7 au2joule = value("hartree-joule relationship") invcm2au = 100 * value("inverse meter-hartree relationship") kT = Boltzmann * T df = pd.DataFrame( columns=[ "freq", "zpve", "qvib", "U", "S", "converged", "info", "rank", "type", "d_qvib", "d_nu", ], index=modeinfo[modeinfo["vibration"]].index, dtype=float, ) for mode, row in coeffs.iterrows(): terminate = False rank = 4 niter = 0 qvib_last = 0.0 freq_last = 0.0 while not terminate: # get polynomial coefficients if row.shape[0] == 7: pc = row.values[::-1].astype(float) elif row.shape[0] == 5: pc = np.append(row.values[::-1], np.zeros(2)).astype(float) hamil = get_hamiltonian( rank, modeinfo.loc[mode, "frequency"] * invcm2au, modeinfo.loc[mode, "effective_mass"], pc, ) w, v = np.linalg.eig(hamil) w = np.sort(w) qvib = np.sum(np.exp(-w * au2joule / kT)) anhfreq = (w[1] - w[0]) / invcm2au zpve = w[0] * au2joule * 1.0e-3 * Avogadro U, S = get_anh_state_functions(w * au2joule, T) d_qvib = np.abs(qvib - qvib_last) d_nu = np.abs(w[0] - freq_last) terminate = (d_qvib < QVIB_THRESH) & (d_nu < FREQ_THRESH) if terminate: if anhfreq < modeinfo.loc[mode, "frequency"]: anh = ( anhfreq, zpve, qvib, U, S, True, "OK", rank, "A", d_qvib, d_nu, ) else: anh = ( anhfreq, zpve, qvib, U, S, True, "AGTH", rank, "A", d_qvib, d_nu, ) else: rank += 1 qvib_last = qvib freq_last = w[0] if niter >= MAXITER: anh = ( anhfreq, zpve, qvib, U, S, False, "MAXITER", rank, "A", d_qvib, d_nu, ) break niter += 1 df.loc[mode] = anh df["rank"] = df["rank"].fillna(0).astype(int) return df
[docs]def merge_vibs(anh6, anh4, harmonic, verbose=False): """ Form a DataFrame with the per mode thermochemical contributions from three separate dataframes with sixth order polynomial fitted potentia, fourth order fitted potential and harmonic frequencies. Parameters ---------- anh6 : pandas.DataFrame anh4 : pandas.DataFrame harmonic : pandas.DataFrame Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame """ anh6["order"] = 6 anh4["order"] = 4 if verbose: print("\n" + " Thermochemistry per mode harmonic ".center(80, "="), end="\n\n") print_mode_thermo(harmonic) print("\n" + " Thermochemistry per mode 6th order ".center(80, "="), end="\n\n") print_mode_thermo(anh6) print("\n" + " Thermochemistry per mode 4th order ".center(80, "="), end="\n\n") print_mode_thermo(anh4) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=anh6.columns, index=anh6.index) df.update(anh4[anh4["converged"]]) df.update(anh6[anh6["info"] == "OK"]) for col in ["freq", "zpve", "qvib", "U", "S"]: df[col] = df[col].astype(float) if df.isnull().any(axis=1).any(): df.fillna(harmonic, inplace=True) if verbose: print( "\n" + " Final data to be used for thermochemistry ".center(80, "="), end="\n\n", ) print_mode_thermo(df) return df
[docs]def harmonic_df(modeinfo, T): """ Calculate per mode contributions to the thermodynamic functions in the harmonic approximation Parameters ---------- modeinfo : pandas.DataFrame T : float Temperature in `K` Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame """ df = pd.DataFrame( columns=["freq", "zpve", "qvib", "U", "S", "energy", "type"], index=modeinfo.index, dtype=float, ) kT = Boltzmann * T df["type"] = "H" df["freq"] = modeinfo["frequency"] df["energy"] = ( Planck * df["freq"] * 100.0 * value("inverse meter-hertz relationship") ) df = df[df["freq"] > 0.0] df["zpve"] = 0.5 * df["energy"] * 1.0e-3 * Avogadro df["qvib"] = 1.0 / (1.0 - np.exp(-df["energy"] / kT)) df["U"] = ( df["zpve"] + 1.0e-3 * gas_constant * df["energy"] / (np.exp(df["energy"] / kT) - 1.0) / Boltzmann ) df["S"] = ( 1.0e-3 * gas_constant * ( df["energy"] / (np.exp(df["energy"] / kT) - 1.0) / kT - np.log(1.0 - np.exp(-df["energy"] / kT)) ) ) return df
[docs]def get_anh_state_functions(eigenvals, T): """ Calculate the internal energy ``U`` and entropy ``S`` for an anharmonic vibrational mode with eigenvalues ``eigvals`` at temperature ``T`` in kJ/mol .. math:: U &= N_{A}\\frac{\sum^{n}_{i=1} \epsilon_{i}\exp(\epsilon_{i}/k_{B}T) }{\sum^{n}_{i=1} \exp(\epsilon_{i}/k_{B}T)} S &= N_{A}k_{B}\log(\sum^{n}_{i=1} \exp(\epsilon_{i}/k_{B}T)) + \\frac{N_{A}}{T}\\frac{\sum^{n}_{i=1} \epsilon_{i}\exp(\epsilon_{i}/k_{B}T) }{\sum^{n}_{i=1} \exp(\epsilon_{i}/k_{B}T)} Parameters ---------- eigenvals : numpy.array Eigenvalues of the anharmonic 1D Hamiltonian in Joules T : float Temperature in `K` Returns ------- (U, S) : tuple of floats Tuple with the internal energy and entropy in kJ/mol """ kT = Boltzmann * T sum1 = np.sum(eigenvals * np.exp(-eigenvals / kT)) sum2 = np.sum(np.exp(-eigenvals / kT)) U = Avogadro * sum1 / sum2 S = Boltzmann * Avogadro * np.log(sum2) + Avogadro * sum1 / (sum2 * T) # convert J/mol to kJ/mol return (U * 1.0e-3, S * 1.0e-3)